Written by Ariadna Thalia Sodi "Thalia", Rafael Silva de Queiroz, Mercedes Pieretti
Published by MattSaks Songs LLC c/o Private Management Services Inc. / WC Music Corp. / Mechi Pieretti Publishing (ASCAP)
Produceed by Rafael Silva de Queiroz "Rafinha RSQ"
Recording Engineer: Ariadna Thalia Sodi "Thalia", Alejandro Patiño "Mosty", Pablo Arraya
Mixed and Mastered by Alejandro Patiño "Mosty"
A&R Director: Izzy De Jesús
A&R Coordinator: Mayra Del Valle
Recorded at STUDIO SALA 3, Brasil; LoveT Studios, NY, USA
Mechi Pieretti Publishing - mechipieretti@gmail.com
Baby, lo admito
Yo te mentía (Dime, bebé)
To'a esa' maldades que tú me hacías, baby, cuando ya no era de día
Yo te la devolvía
Sabes bien que te lo merecías (Eh-eh)
Toíto' ese cuento que tú me contabas yo nunca me lo creía (Ay)
Tú no me merecías
Porque tú eres malo, malo, malo conmigo
Malo, te has borrado
De mi vida
Bloqueado, 'tás cancelado
'Tás cancelado
Porque tú eres malo, malo, malo conmigo
Malo, te has borrado
De mi vida
Bloqueado, 'tás cancelado
'Tás cancelado
Yo lo admito, te mentí,
Pero tú primero
Y ahora puedo ver que
Nunca fuiste bueno
No caigo, caigo, caigo
Baby, de esto me salvo, salvo, salvo
Dios te salve, María
Sé que vendrá bendición en mi vida
Y si me arrepiento de mentir
No me arrepentiré de dejarte ir
Porque tú eres malo, malo, malo conmigo
Malo, te has borrado
De mi vida
Bloqueado, 'tás cancelado
'Tas cancelado
Porque tú eres malo, malo, malo conmigo
Malo, te has borrado
De mi vida
Bloqueado, 'tás cancelado
'Tás cancelado
Dios te salve, María
Sé que vendrá bendición en mi vida
Y si me arrepiento de mentir
No me arrepentiré de dejarte ir
The Confession
And again, face to face with the ex. The confessions, the stories that were never told, face to face, stripping the moments that broke the heart between the two and the little revenges of hurt emotions. Accepting that we also lied, that at one point, in addition to pain, a great hatred was also felt.
Audio Player
Audio transcription in English: Canceled, very canceled. How many people do we want to cancel, right? How many people have we canceled? Well, once again, Rafinha sent me this song and it has that touch of him, which is really wonderful. He does everything in his music, that is, from the demo, plays the instruments, programs, does everything and he sent me Cancelado The truth is that I loved it! I loved it because it makes me different, it makes me a love story where the protagonist also has everything to say and begins with the sincerity that 'I was lying to you', 'I knew you were doing it', but what do you think? That I too and I love it, so here for you is this song Cancelado.